Class Pair<L,​R>

  • public class Pair<L,​R>
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Pair

        public Pair​(L left,
                    R right)
    • Method Detail

      • getLeft

        public L getLeft()
      • getRight

        public R getRight()
      • getLeft

        public L getLeft​(L defaultValue)
      • getRight

        public R getRight​(R defaultValue)
      • accumulate

        public <T> T accumulate​(BiFunction<L,​R,​T> function)
      • filter

        public Pair<L,​R> filter​(BiPredicate<L,​R> predicate)
        predicate - The predicate to test the elements
        The pair if the predicate accepts it, else returns a Pair where the left and right elements are null
      • ifPresent

        public void ifPresent​(BiConsumer<L,​R> consumer)
        If neither element is null, applies the given consumer
        consumer - The operation to perform on the elements