Class Achievement.Combat

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static class Achievement.Combat
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Combat

        public Combat()
    • Method Detail

      • getCompletedTaskCount

        public static int getCompletedTaskCount()
      • getCompletedTaskCount

        public static int getCompletedTaskCount​(Achievement.Tier tier)
      • isComplete

        public static boolean isComplete​(Achievement.Tier tier,
                                         boolean strict)
        tier - The tier of combat achievements to check for
        strict - A value of true means that the achievement tier should be fully completed. A value of false allows completion to the point that rewards can be claimed
        true If you have completed the given tier of combat achievements.
      • isComplete

        public static boolean isComplete​(Achievement.Tier tier)
        tier - The tier of combat achievements to check for
        true If you have "completed" the given tier of combat achievements. Completion in this case is defined by completing enough tasks to claim the rewards, not necessarily completing every task in that tier. Equivalent to #isComplete(Tier, false)