Class Pickable

    • Constructor Detail

      • Pickable

        public Pickable​(RSPickable provider,
                        int x,
                        int y,
                        int floorLevel)
    • Method Detail

      • getRevealTick

        public int getRevealTick()
      • getDespawnTick

        public int getDespawnTick()
      • getOwnerType

        public int getOwnerType()
        Ownership table: ``` | Id | Ownership Type | |----|:--------------:| | 0 | None | | 1 | Self Player | | 2 | Other Player | | 3 | Group Ironman | ``` Note that if the player and the drop source are both regular accounts, both will share the same group ironman id of -1 so the server is bugged to send 3 in this instance.
        Owner type
      • isNeverRevealed

        public boolean isNeverRevealed()
      • getStackSize

        public int getStackSize()