Class World

    • Constructor Detail

      • World

        public World​(RSWorld provider)
    • Method Detail

      • isMembers

        public static boolean isMembers()
        Checks whether the current world is a members only world.
        true if the current world is a members only world, false otherwise.
      • isPVP

        public static boolean isPVP()
      • getPing

        public int getPing()
        Retrieves the ping of the current world. A cache is used to prevent excessive ping requests.
        The ping of the current world, else -1 if the provider is null or an exception occurs.
      • getMask

        public int getMask()
      • getId

        public int getId()
      • getPopulation

        public int getPopulation()
        Returns the population of the world.
        the population of the world, or -1 if the provider is null
      • getFlags

        public EnumSet<World.Flag> getFlags()
        Retrieves the set of flags associated with the world.
        An EnumSet containing the flags associated with the world.